Son Ambulance's new album is called Someone Else's Deja Vu. I am not really sure if the band puts the comma in between the two words anymore. Their official site seems comma less but wikipedia has it. I could of sworn the band use to always have the comma. Anyway that is a mystery that no one really cares about. Here are two songs from their new album that are very good and everyone shoud check out. Mp3s after the jump.Son Ambulance - Horizons
Son Ambulance - Juliet's Son
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Son Ambulance
Posted by
3:54 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Stuff
The Layaways - O Christmas Tree
My First Earthquake - Fa La Freezing
Hello Saferide - Ipod Xmas
Posted by
5:30 AM
Little Joy, Wavves, and more
So I have not posted in a very long time. I open many posts with sentences with the same general meaning as that last one and they usually follow with a promise of it not happening again. Well.....I totally mean it this time. Anyway Christmas time so that is pretty cool. I will put together a post with Christmas songs when it gets closer. It is surprisingly close already though. Here are some songs. AC Newman is the man behind the New Pornographers so that is enough reason to check out his new single. The song by Wavves is wonderful distorted goodness. Antony and the Johnsons are very very haunting like usual and Little Joy's entire self titled album is highly recommended. The project includes The Strokes drummer Fabrizio Moretti. Mp3s after the pic of Little Joy's album cover.
Little Joy - No One's Better Sake
AC Newman - Submarines of Stockholm
Wavves - So Bored
Antony and the Johnsons - Another World
Posted by
5:14 AM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Now, Now
Afternoon Records is a Minneapolis based label and they are putting out new albums for bands Now, Now Every Children and The Poison Control Center. I suggest checking both bands out and the rest of the label's roster. MP3s from both after the pic of Now, Now Every Children.
Now, Now Every Children - Not One, But Two
The Poison Control Center - Give It A Try
Posted by
2:11 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Smoosh is an indie pop band from Seattle, WA made up of young sisters. They have been around for awhile and I am alittle surprised I have not heard of them earlier. The song I am posting here is some really good female fronted indie pop if that is your thing. Again it is from a couple years ago, but if you haven't heard it check it out.
Smoosh - Find A Way
Posted by
2:13 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lukestar and Gramercy Arms
Lukestar is a band from Oslo, Norway. The name evokes Star Wars, but their sound does not sound very sci-fi too me. Gramercy Arms are from New York, NY (What up? Go Giants!) and made up of former members of bands such as Guided By Voices, Luna, and Joan as Policewoman. I am usually not a supergroup fan, but this song is some really good pop. The pic is of Gramercy Arms and you can find mp3s from both below it.
Lukestar - The Shade You Hide
Gramercy Arms - Looking at the Sun
Posted by
1:32 PM
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wolf Like Me
In honor of Halloween here is "Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio. The single was from their previous album the great Return to Cookie Mountain.
"Got a curse I cannot lift
shines when the sunset shifts"
Werewolves > Vampires
Happy Halloween
Posted by
7:26 PM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Th(ursday)row Back
I use to love Thursday and I just read they have signed to Epitaph Records. Thursday can be very polarizing, but at one time they were probably the biggest post-hardcore/"screamo" band out there. Hopefully they put out a great album, but until then here are some videos from their past.
Posted by
6:07 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008
Creaky Boards and Hello Saferide
As I was thinking of posting these two songs it occurred to me they were both named after cities. Then I remember Brooklyn is not a city, but a borough. So these songs have nothing in common except that you should listen to them. Also both have famous bridges. Picture of Brooklyn is from Flickr. Anyway the bands are Hello Saferide who is a swedishish singer-songwriter I just heard of from a friend and Creaky Boards who are a brooklyn band getting some buzz lately. So enjoy after the jump.
Creaky Boards - Brooklyn
Hello Saferide - San Francisco
Posted by
2:42 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Cut Off Your Hands
Cut Off Your Hands is an awesome exciting English band. The band name is a little intimidating, but their music is very enjoyable. You can hear an mp3 from them and Parts & Labor after the jump. And Parts & Labor's site is pretty out there. So you might want to check it out if you dare.
Cut Off Your Hands - Happy As Can Be
Parts & Labor - Nowheres Nigh
Posted by
8:40 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
TV on the Radio on TV
TV on the Radio playing "Dancing Choose" from new album Dear Science. I do not watch David Letterman that much, but I do not think it is normal for bands to play on the fire escape. Anyway great performance so check it out.
Posted by
1:19 PM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sonic and Knuckles
I love Scott Pilgrim and I have only read the first two volumes. Pretty sure it is the best comic ever. It is named after this song. Anyway it has the best fictional band names ever like Sonic and Knucles and Sex Bom-omb. Enjoy random mp3s after the jump.
Broadfield Marchers - Watchful Hill People
I Heart Hiroshima - Surgery
The Piano Creeps - Hey Love
The Spinto Band - Pumpkins and Paisley
The New Year - The Company I Can Get
Passion Pit - Sleepyhead
Posted by
6:41 AM
Friday, September 26, 2008
At The Late Night Talk Show
That is a very old clip of At The Drive-In on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. You probably know At the Drive-In, but if you do not then you need to look into that. They are from El Paso, Texas and broke up in 2001. Another broken up post-hardcore band I recommend is Bear Vs Shark.
Posted by
11:42 AM
Labels: At The Talk Show
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Birthday and a Return to Blogging
I have not really thought about the blog in awhile, but I promise I am back now. I blame school and the slow internet here. Anyway the blog will be back to posting new music and some old music frequently. Anyway today/yesterday is/was my birthday and I feel like posting a couple songs. Hope you enjoy and sorry again for what I am calling a unannounced hiatus. We're back now though so check back often.
High Places - From Stardust to Sentience
Okkervil River - Lost Coastlines
Blitzen Trapper - Fur
The Little Ones - Morning Tide
Department of Eagles - No One Does It Like You
Posted by
12:32 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
When I Say Go
Here are a bunch of songs I recommend listening to right now. An interesting fact is that I turn 20 years old a month from today. So that is pretty frighting. Also if you were not aware the Olympics are going on right now and they might be a trap.
Violens - Violent Sensation Descends
Cake on Cake - Sea Microphone
Chairlift - Evident Utensil
Amazing Baby - Head Dress
The 1900s - When I Say Go
Women - Black Rice
Posted by
3:38 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Last BYOP video
Check out Be Your Own Pet's last video. They announced that they are breaking up a week ago and are on their final tour in the UK. They were signed to Ecstatic Peace (Thurston Moore's record label) and were a little bit of a big deal. Anyway the song is about teenage drama from what I gather. I think I read somewhere the members of the band were really young (not Care Bears on Fire young though). Anyway bands break up all the time and new projects almost always emerge.
Posted by
6:19 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Woke Up New
Going into the really interesting videos that I like for some reason category here is the Mountain Goat's "Woke Up New". It is from there 2006 album Get Lonely. The band has so many albums so go check one of them out. Like this video it may not be for you.
Posted by
3:40 PM
Labels: Music Videos
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Something Is Not Right With Me
Cold War Kids - Something Is Not Right With MeI have not posted in a very long time. Sorry about that, but I emerge to give you good news. New Cold War Kids. The song is off their up coming album Loyalty to Loyalty. The song is very short and enjoyable. It will also probably turn into an anthem or something. Check it out and I will be posting new music more frequently so check back.
Posted by
7:24 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Ra Ra Riot
Ra Ra Riot - Each Year
Ra Ra Riot - Dying is Fine
Saw Ra Ra Riot at the Siren Music Festival yesterday and they were pretty good. I think that you might enjoy them. I did not stick around to see the headliners (Stephen Malkmus and Broken Social Scene) but I did see some great bands like the Dodos and the Annuals. I also rode the Cyclone in Coney Island for the first time. It was a pretty good time I hope it isn't really the last year.
Posted by
5:59 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Stay Positive Tonight
The new The Hold Steady album entitled Stay Positive hit stores yesterday. It had previously just been available for download. Also buying the actual album will get you three bonus tracks. Tonight the band will be performing on The Late Show With David Letterman. Also on the show will be Maggie Gyllenhaal of The Dark Knight. So worth checking out, but I will probably forget about it and look for video on the internets tomorrow. Seriously though the Hold Steady are awesome and put on a great show.
Here are an mp3 from two albums ago.
The Hold Steady -Your Little Hoodrat Friend
Posted by
6:58 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Counting to Four
So this weekend is Siren Music Festival which I will definitely be attending. Also The Dark Knight opens which I am even more excited for. Also next weekend Feist is playing Good Morning America on the 25th. But here is a video of Feist playing the way more famous Sesame Street.
Posted by
10:01 PM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Lackthereof is the solo project of Danny Seim from Menomena. I am a fan of Menomena, especially there album Friend and Foe released last year, but I do not know much about this project. The first time I heard Lackthereof though was a cover of The National's "Fake Empire" (you can stream it here) which I liked. I was surprised to find out there have been a bunch of albums released under the name. The newest album is called Your Anchor and comes out July 22. Here is a song from said album. I liked it so you might as well.
Lackthereof - Last November
Posted by
12:55 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Dark Captain Light Captain
Dark Captain Light Captain is a cool name for a band. Sorry for not posting in awhile. I will make an effort to find more music to share with you beautiful people. Here are some songs that I enjoy. I think I may start reviewing albums here. Mostly to force myself to listen to more albums. They will actually probably just give you, the reader, insight into why I am not a good music blogger.
Dark Captain Light Captain - They Be Underwater
Takka Takka - Everybody Say
Golden Animals - Try on Me
Posted by
8:18 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Rain Delays
Pop Levi - Never Never Love
Pretty catchy and awesome song from British electronic musician Pop Levi. It is highly recommended.
And in honor of rain delays here is the rain filled video for "Heaven" by the Psychedelic Furs.
Posted by
6:46 PM
Labels: Music Videos
Friday, June 27, 2008
Extended Play
Joseph Arthur (pictured above) is releasing four EPs before he releases his full length album.I have only heard the third EP Vagabond Skies so I cannot speak about the whole endeavor, but I would like to discuss EPs. EP is short for Extended Play and wikipedia does a better job of explaing all that stuff than I can. Basically longer than a single, but shorter than a LP. When looking at the back catalog a band's EPs are usually not must hears, but they are great for getting a feel for a new artist. Tokyo Police Club's A Lesson in Crime and Voxtrot's Raised By Wolves are the examples that come to mind for me. As somebody who posts mp3s online it is obvious that individual songs are what grabs people's attention a lot of the time. I also get bored pretty easily sometimes so there is that.
Joseph Arthur - Pretty Good Company
Posted by
12:53 AM
Monday, June 23, 2008
WW 100:The Hits
Capgun Coup - My Tears Cure Cancer (the first song)
Tullycraft - The Punks Are Writing Love Songs (the second song)
Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
Okkervil River - Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe
How many five year olds can you take?
Throw Me The Statue - About to Walk
Bishop Allen - Click Click Click
Jaymay - Blue Skies
Hallelujah the Hills - Hallelujah the Hills
What Made Milwaukee Famous - Sultan
This video freaked a couple people out. So did this site. I launched another blog.
Tokyo Police Club - Juno
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - I Think I Wanna Die
I Love Math - Josephine Street
From Bubblegum to Sky - Even the Sunbeams
I thought I told you that we won't stop (have to love those suits)
Posted by
11:36 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Post Before 100
Not quite 100 yet. I may have a typing accident later today or something. I'm going to have to think of some "best of" type thing for 100. Thanks to all you loyal readers. It is probably a little presumptive to believe there are loyal readers. Well anyway here is the best song to feature the number 99....ever.
Posted by
8:03 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008
Songs About Cities
Here are two catchy songs that have something in common. So it is already a great blog post without my terrific insight. Belated happy birthday to Godzilla. Big home run last night. Anyway the Vampire Weekend show in Central Park is tomorrow and the Incredible Hulk is out today. The picture is of Wolf Parade whose At Mt. Zoomer album is out on Tuesday. Plus isn't it a cool picture?Uglysuit - Chicago
Wolf Parade - Language City
Posted by
11:40 AM
Friday, June 6, 2008
Orange Juice
Heres a video from a long time ago for the song "Rip it Up" by Scottish post-punk band Orange Juice. I read somewhere that Franz Ferdinand got their style from them and that definitely appears to be true. Anyway I like this song and the band a lot so check it out.
Posted by
3:03 PM
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Humpback Wednesday (Thursday) #12
What it lacks in being on time it makes up for in awesome songs.
The best of the best
Bound Stems - Happens To Us All Otherwise
Wire - One of Us
Bell - Echinacea
Happy Anarchy - Is That Right?
Jaguar Love - Bats Over The Pacific Ocean
Robert Pollard (of GBV fame) - Gratification to Concrete
The Ms - Don't Be Late
Computer vs. Banjo - Give Up On Ghosts
From Bubblegum to Sky - I Always Fall Apart and Even the Sunbeams
Posted by
5:23 PM
Labels: Humpback Wednesday
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hymns and Insults
Saw this band Hymns open for What Made Milwaukee Famous. Of course WMMF were great (posted about them couple weeks ago), but Hymns sounded good as well. They are more folky than most indie rock bands. I would compare their sound to the legendary (not completely serious) MMJ. That may be a stretch, but it is what I thought of listening to them. So go check out their myspace and see if you like it.
In unrelated news parents are angry at Nintendo because Wii Fit said their healthy child is overweight. I think that is awesome in so many ways.
Hymns - I Can't Be What You Want
Posted by
5:10 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
So I recently saw the documentary loudQUIETloud about the Pixies' 2004 reunion tour. It was really interesting. Documentaries like loudQUIETloud that give insight to band relationships are really worth checking out. I am a big Pixies fan which of course enhanced the film, but I also thought that Some Kind of Monster, a documentary about Metallica (a band I am not a fan of) making an album, was really good. Here is the trailer for loudQUIETloud also listen to Doolittle that album rocks.
Posted by
9:45 AM
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Stage Names Sequel
One of my favorite albums last year was Okkervil River's The Stage Names. Apparently they are going to release The Stand Ins on September 9th as the second half of what was almost a double album. Pitchfork has those details. I am happy it wasn't a double album because those tend to overwhelm me. I will definitely check this album out. Here is a video of the band playing "Unless It Kicks" on a roof for
Posted by
2:14 AM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Humpback Wednesday #11
Hope everybody is doing alright. New The Hold Steady album has me very excited. Also is this song not ridiculously catchy. I actually liked the new Indy movie. Besides that I suggest watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Invader Zim. And listening to these songs of course.
One Little Plane - Sunshine Kid
Anthem In - Down
Ed Harcourt - Revolution
Pomegranates - Thunder Meadow
The Sweet Serenades - I Can Never Die
Usher - Love In This Club (MSTRKRFT Remix)
Posted by
8:28 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
This War Is Noise
Sundowner is the solo project of Chris from the Lawrence Arms. This video is old but it is new to me. I've liked this guy's voice and lyrics for awhile so check it out.
Posted by
12:37 AM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Humpback Wednesday Strikes Back
Just typing the title made me want to watch Episode V. Still yet to see Iron Man, but I will probably love it blah blah. I saw Maritime and Headlights last weekend and both were very good. I want to complain about finals, but I won't because everybody else is (via facebook status not actually to me). So yay finals. O yeah enjoy the songs.
HW #10 if you're counting (which I guess I am).
Gentlemen Auction House - The Book of Matches
The Lodger - The Good Old Days
The Morning Benders - Crosseyed
I Love Math - Josephine Street
The Submarines - You, Me, & The Bourgeoisie
Tim Fite - Yesterday's Garden
Lousy Robot - It's Getting To Me
The Awkward Stage - Anime Eyes
Posted by
11:54 AM
Labels: Humpback Wednesday
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
CGI video for "Sore" by the Annuals off of their new EP "Wet Zoo". I posted the mp3 here before. Annuals are a band everybody should listen to. Their debut album came out in 2006 and was really good. I think the video works, it reminds me of the CG Donkey Kong show.
Posted by
1:55 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
In With The Out Crowd
So I have posted many songs to this blog. These two are a little different then most that I post. I use to be a big Less Than Jake fan in high school and I recently heard Bomb The Music Industry. You can download BTMI's albums on their site for free and if you enjoy pop-punk/ska Less Than Jake is worth listening too. Hope you enjoy.Bomb The Music Industry - I Don't Love You Anymore
Less Than Jake - Look What Happened
Posted by
1:56 AM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Fall Apart Again
Yay it's Friday and it is almost summer. Here are a couple kind of upbeat songs. I like them both a lot, but unfortunately do not know much about the artists. Santogold is a female recording artist from Brooklyn and Douglas Armour is from California. So just enjoy I guess.
Santogold - L.E.S. Artistes (xxxChange Remix)
Douglas Armour - Fall Apart Again
Posted by
4:06 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
What Made Milwaukee Famous
is a band that sounds a lot like one of my favorite bands Spoon. They have been around for a couple years, WMMF that is. Spoon of course has been around for ever (1994 according to wikipedia) Anyway What Made Milwaukee Famous is a band you may like if you don't already. And their name of course alludes to beer and not Marquette.
What Made Milwaukee Famous - Sultan
Posted by
8:54 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Department of Forseeable Outcomes
Hey everybody. Sorry about lack of updates. It may get better.
Lovely Sparrows - Department of Foreseeable Outcomes
This is Ivy League - London Bridges
Neva Dinova - Clouds
No Age - Eraser
Posted by
4:31 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
See A Penny (Pick It Up)
I am really enjoying The Dodos' album. I also think I will like Tokyo Police Club's new album. I saw Vampire Weekend this weekend and I am still loving their debut album. Also Yacht opened.Tokyo Police Club - Juno
The Dodos - Jodi
Vampire Weekend - Oxford Comma
Yacht - See A Penny (Pick It Up)
Posted by
2:20 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Humpback Wednesday #9
You know the drill. You should listen to these songs. HW#9's life depends on it.
Islands - Creeper
The Acorn - Crooked Legs
Teenage Prayers - Dreams of the South
The Billionaires - Eighties Movies
Electric Pop Group - I Could See The Lights
Annuals - Sore
The Pharmacy - Mirror
Kanye West has his own search engine and travel site. Not really that cool.
Posted by
11:08 PM
Labels: Humpback Wednesday
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
No One Will Know
This song is so good. Seriously good. I think everybody should listen to it. Right now.
Bella - No One Will Know
Posted by
4:35 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Humpback Wednesday #8
I have a prediction. HW#8 is one they will be talking about for awhile.
Adam Green - Morning After Midnight
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Glue Girls
Forest City Lovers - Don't Go
Headlights - Skeleton Man (Evangelicals Cover)
The Pendletons - Upstate
Bridges and Powerlines - Uncalibrated
Grand Ole Party - Look Out Young Son
The Long Blondes - Here Comes the Serious Bit
Posted by
11:31 PM
Labels: Humpback Wednesday
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Where is My Mind?
So here are a couple of songs that I like. Happy belated Easter. I really like this Emmy the Great. Speaking of Emmy's 10.,000 BC was horrible.Emmy the Great - Where Is My Mind? (Pixies Cover)
Sound of Arrows - Danger
Posted by
8:59 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Humpack Wednesday #7
Yes it is being posted on Thursday. Sorry.
Hospital Bombers - Devil's Music
Bearsuit - Foxy Boxer
Midnight Movies - Should Have Known
The Black Hollies - Paisley Pattern Ground
Oh Darling - Shoulda Never
pacificUV - Need
Saint Bernadette - One In a Million
Til We're Blue or Destroy - All Shook Up
Posted by
12:45 PM
Labels: Humpback Wednesday
Sunday, March 16, 2008
So I think I saw Robert Downey Jr. yesterday. Yeah so not much to talk about. Really like the Throw Me The Statue album. Also Happy St. Patrick's day.
Gentle Touch- Once You Used To
Ravens and Chimes - January
Sera Cahoone - Only as the Day is Long
Throw Me The Statue - Lolita
Posted by
5:32 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Humpback Wednesday #6
It's what you have been waiting for
High Places - Freaked Flight
Throw Me The Statue - Yucatan Gold
The Oaks - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Your Funeral - I Wanna Be You
Kaki King - Two O'Clock
Jaymay - Sea Green, See Blue
Peter Moren (of PB&J) - Social Competence
Foreign Born - Union Hall
Posted by
4:20 AM
Labels: Humpback Wednesday
Monday, March 10, 2008
The first song here is so good. Everybody should listen to it. The production sounds awesome. Also there will be a Humpback Wednesday tomorrow so come back for that. So until then friends.
Walter Meego - Forever
Maybe Smith - Mr. Grizzly Bear
The Loved Ones - Jane
Posted by
5:09 AM
Saturday, March 8, 2008
So I feel good about these songs so I encourage you to listen to them. I wonder if there was really a science behind how many points letters are in scrabble or it was just random. Anyway I always wanted this threadless shirt.
Maia Hirasawa - And I Found This Boy
Silversun Pickups - Little Lovers So Polite (One AM Radio Remix)
French Kicks - Abandon
School of Language - Rockist Pt.1
Lightspeed Champion - Galaxy of the Lost
Posted by
7:24 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Humpback Wednesday #5
Hallelujah the Hills - Hallelujah the Hills
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks - Cold Son
Felice Brothers - Frankie's Gun
The Notwist - Good Lies
Shearwater - Rooks
Care Bears on Fire - Everybody Else
Chikita Violenta - Laydown
Georgie James - Cake Parade
Laura Barret - Robot Ponies
D'Urbervilles - Dragnet
The Diggs - Recovery Forever
Also MTV bans new Gnarls Barkley video which may cause seizures
Posted by
4:19 AM
Labels: Humpback Wednesday
Monday, March 3, 2008
Whale Shark Week
Heather made this for the blog. It's a whale shark. Also I love this song by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. Listen to it!
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - I Think I Wanna Die
Posted by
12:18 AM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Eggs Feel To
I have not been posting as frequently as I would like. I apologize to the people who actually return to this site. I apologize a lot on this blog, that probably says a lot about it's quality. Anyway this is a cool picture and two songs I really like after the jump.
Tokyo Police Club - In a Cave
Foals - Balloons
Posted by
4:29 PM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Humpback Wednesday #4
again not sure about the feature name, but positive about the songs.
The Diggs - Careen
Elizabeth & the Catapult - Momma's Boy
The Acorn - Flood Pt. 1
Frightened Rabbit - Modern Leper
The Dirtbombs - Sherlock Holmes
Kaki King - Pull Me Out Alive
The Faintest Ideas - Skip The Bridge
Born Ruffians - Foxes Mate For Life
The Big Sleep - Bad Blood
Posted by
3:27 AM
Labels: Humpback Wednesday
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Green Sweater Vest
These songs come recommended by Doug Funny himself. Or NotDeerhunter - Fluorescent Grey
Scary Mansion - Sorry We Took All Your Money
Yeasayer - 2080
The Heavy Circles - Henri
Red Fox Grey Fox - Up With Mittens, Down With Gloves
Posted by
7:23 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Songs From The Union Volume #3
So I want a different name for this feature. Give me a week to think about it some more. Next Wednesday hopefully a cooler name. Until then check out these awesome songs.
Destroyer - Dark Leaves Form a Thread
Reed Kd - Empty Bottles
Death Ships - Story Never Gets Old
Throw Me The Statue - About to Walk
The Explorers Club - Do You Love Me?
Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance
American Music Club - All The Lost Souls Come to San Fransisco
Teenage Prayers - I'm in Love Again
The Epochs - Opposite Sides
Mike Doughty - 27 Jennifers
Posted by
3:32 AM
Labels: songs from the union
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Whales are the future
Basia Bulat - In The Night
Mobius Band - Digital Love (Daft Punk Cover)
Via Audio - Presents
Hercules & Love Affair - Blind
Future of the Left - adeadenemyalwayssmellsgood
Posted by
4:44 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
So I have not posted any music lately so here are some bands to listen to. So I know everybody has already said how great Vampire Weekend is and that I've mentioned them before, but everybody really should listen to their debut album. Besides that I suggest checking out The Cribs and the songs below. Also 10 longest bridges in the world. WW is soooo educational.
The XYZ Affair - Little Fool
The Cribs - Men's Needs
Aa - Thirteen
The Duke Spirit - Cuts Across the Land
The Lips - Heaven
Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
High Places - download songs at their myspace
Posted by
1:43 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Least Influential Americans
How long until pretty much everybody has a Wikipedia page? I cannot wait to see"John Anderson is an American plummer known for his average sense of humor"
Time Releases Annual List Of Least Influential Americans
Mp3: These United States - First Sight
Posted by
11:57 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Who wins in a race?
You probably thought that hippos and tortoises couldn't get along, well you were wrong.
No Kids - The Beaches All Closed
Bishop Allen - Click Click Click
The Whitsundays - It Must Be Me
Evangelicals - Skeleton Man
Posted by
11:40 AM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Songs From The Union Volume #2
Not really from the union because of the snow, but I do not think the songs suffered because of it so check them out
The Lk - Private Life Of a Cat
White Hinderland - Dreaming of the Plum Trees
Jaymay - Blue Skies
The Colour Revolt - Naked and Red
Deerhunter - Cryptograms
The Plastic Constellations - Stay That Way
John Vanderslice - Tablespoon of Codeine
The Shackletons - Your Movement
Xiu Xiu - I Do What I Want When I Want
Posted by
2:24 AM
Labels: songs from the union
Monday, February 4, 2008
Omg Omg Omg! Take That Boston.
LCD Soundsytem - New York I Love You
Posted by
12:24 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
She and Him
Actress Zooey Deschanel and singer-songwriter M.Ward have a musical project called She and Him. I definitely enjoy this song. At least a lot more than I enjoyed what I saw of that Tin-Man miniseries.
She and Him - Why Do You Let Me Stay Here
Posted by
2:59 AM
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Songs From the Union Volume #1
Just songs and I think they are all worth checking out
Cassettes Won't Listen - Paper Float
Novi Split - Leaving It
Cars Can Be Blue - I Use To Think
Atlas Sound - River Card
The Teenagers - Starlett Johansson
Main Drag - All My Friends (LCD Soundsystem Cover)
Ghostland Observatory - Sad Sad City
Biirdie - Him
Great Northern - Home
Times New Viking - (My Head)/RIP Allegory
also if house cats were not creepy enough look at this
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3:50 AM
Labels: songs from the union
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
New Feature
Okay first feature really, but whose counting. So no posts in awhile cause of school and work, but as some of you know I have to work late on Wednesdays (today) and am allowed to be on my laptop. Instead of watching movies I will search for songs and post them Live from the AMU. So look out for that tonight. Here our some not newly found songs you might like. O yeah again go Giants.Immaculate Machine - Dear Confessor
Jack Penate - Second, Minute, or Hour
Deertick - Hell on Earth
Bowerbirds - In Our Talons
Posted by
6:34 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
California Girls
So I am listening to the Magnetic Fields a lot right now. Especially the song "California Girls" off of the new album Distortion. It has the oppositite message of the famous Beach Boys song. Also the depressed voice of Merrit is not singing lead here and I think it works perfect. Also songs from Grand Archives and Say Hi, two Washington bands after the jump. O yeah lets go Giants, Eli for mayor.
Magnetic Fields - California Girls
Say Hi - Northwestern Girls
Grand Archives - Torn Blue Foam Couch
Posted by
4:50 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Golden Animals
Golden Animals is also an awesome band name. It's not better than Care Bears on Fire, but my school logo is technically a golden animal. Anyway this band makes really cool music. I think some would call it psychedelic, but I don't like the way that sounds. They really remind me of Two Gallants for some reason. Check it out.
Golden Animals - Do the Roar
Two Gallants - Las Cruces Jail
Posted by
4:15 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Care Bears on Fire
Care Bears on Fire is probably the coolest band name ever. The band is very young I think in the 7th grade. So they weren't even born when the care bears were really popular. I am not going to lie I was a fan. Different color bears that released beams out of their stomach. That is just awesome. Plus these kids do not sound bad. Check out the songs on their myspace.
Care Bears on Fire - I Must Know Why
Posted by
5:47 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Close To Me
I almost never take my phone off vibrate, but if i did one of my ringtones is The Cure's "Close to Me". I love that song. Why? is a band I do not know well enough to love, but I have liked what I've heard from them and this cover of "Close to Me" does not let me down. It is courtesy of Pitchfork.
Why? - Close to Me (The Cure cover)
Posted by
7:18 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Baconator
I haven't posted in way too long. I apologize, but please beware of the baconator.Only a couple songs, but I think they're all winners.
Field Music - Working to Work
Thurston Moore - Fri/End
Tullycraft - Wild Bikini
14 Iced Bears - Hay Fever
Posted by
10:14 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Aye Aye
Sometimes I don't really know what to type up here. I don't really give background on any of the songs or artists, but thats because I kind of find that boring. Maybe that makes me bad at this. I wish I knew how many bowls of Cap'n Crunch I ate during break. I am pretty sure the number would shock people.Interesting Fact: all of the songs below were recorded in July.*
The Unicorns - I Was Born (A Unicorn)
Bedroom Eyes - Hand-in-Hand Grenade
Murder Mystery - Love Astronaut
Jack Penate - Spit at Stars (solo)
The Secret Life of Sofia - Hospital Inside of Me
Handsome Furs - Cannot Get Started
Sunny Day Sets Fire - Stranger
Julie Dorion - No More
* Probably not true
Posted by
3:09 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Antarctica Takes It! - Circuits
I found this song on some blog a while ago and really liked it. Pitchfork posted a remastered version of the song. I think its really good so check it out. Also here is the new Vampire Weekend video. The songs called A-Punk and is from their soon to be released self titled debut.
Posted by
8:52 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Thanks Al
Why did it get warm yesterday all of a sudden? I do not trust this, its January. Also my mom told me theres a tornado moving through where I go to school. Tricky weather. I like it when Al Roker throws it to the local weather person and the person pretends like Al is just talking to them like "thanks Al". Al can't hear you! Here are some songs to check out.The Shaky Hands - The Sleepless
Handsome Furs - What We Had
Good Times Good Times - Sunshine Sunshine
Flowers Forever (the guy from Tilly and the Wall) - Black Rosary
LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great
A Weather - One More Night Stand
Posted by
1:03 PM
Monday, January 7, 2008
So one more week before school starts again for me. I may go see Thurston Moore solo tomorrow at the Knitting Factory. Besides that not much is going on. New Mountain Goats album coming out though called Heretic Pride. Got to love the lo-fi.
Mountain Goats - Sax Rohmer #1
Architecture in Helsinki - Heart it Races
Wye Oak - Warning
The Helio Sequence - Keep Your Eyes Ahead
The Occasional Flickers - Rucksack
Celebration - Evergreen
Posted by
12:07 PM
Friday, January 4, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Our Life is Not a Movie
So 2007 ended and I never gave a best albums list or whatever. I know that Okkervil River's The Stage Names was my favorite. My favorite song was probably Mending of the Gown by Sunset Rubdown. I also thought the whole Radiohead letting people pick a price thing was very cool. My favorite movies were No Country for Old Men and King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. O yeah and There Will Be Blood kept selling out at Lincoln Center like crazy. We had to get tickets for the show at 10 even though we went at 2. It was great though. Also I am Legend kind of sucked. I am not going to even give it a link. I posted some mp3s that I like so I hope you check them out. And the picture is of Okkervil River.Okkervil River - Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe
Stars in Coma - Revanche
Afternoon Naps - Clean Bill of Health
Boat - Last Cans of Paint
The Libertines - Time For Heroes
Priscilla Ahn - Dream
Sambassadeur - Final Say
Capstan Shafts - Bluejeans V. Debs
Posted by
12:11 PM